A bunch of Bananas by Jill MacGregor
School Journal Part 2, Number 3, 2009
WALT: Search for information, compare and evaluate.
SC: List the different banana’s and their features. Evaluate which you prefer.
HOME ACTIVITY: Ask whanau about their favourite ways to eat banana. Get a favourite banana recipe from a family member to bring to school.
- Hope sees many types of bananas at the market.
Can you list all the types of banana and the descriptive features of each banana. SHARE
Type of Banana
List the descriptive features of each banana (Colour, size, smell, etc)
green banana
This banana you can cook it boil it and eat
yellow banana
you can make a desert out of banana
black banana
Even though the banana gets black it mean that its a better taste.
- The text tells us about different ways of preparing the banana’s to eat. Locate the information and list it here. SHARE
Type of Banana
How to prepare it to eat it.
Ice cream dessert cake
get a bol cook some butter in the pot and then add sugar.
Later when it is done wait for it to cool a little bit down and then suve
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it on to your plate put it into the fridge.
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finally when it is done eat.
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have any problems get me.
- How do you like to eat bananas and why? SHARE
- Share a family favourite recipe using bananas. List the ingredients and method to make the recipe (Get a photo if you can too!) SHARE
I like eating bananas because it is good for the mind helps make us stronger.a
Once completed remember to SHARE your work to blog.
ONLY share the answers/activities which have SHARE next to them.
ONLY share the answers/activities which have SHARE next to them.
When sharing your work on your blog remember to write a sentence to explain what you read, and what the activity was.
Conference with your teacher before sharing.
Conference with your teacher before sharing.
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